
Monday, 3 December 2018


Hai Blogging Unicorns!

Today I’m writing about when I went to WAIKOWHAI INTERMEDIATE! In Waikowhai Intermediate,
we sat down in the hall with some of mums (the dads were somewhere else busy XD) but Ina’s
mum didn’t come (sad life). Me, Ina and Mandita crossed our fingers hard as we can until… my
name was called out and then MY FRIENDS NAME. I was bursting with excitement when we
arrived to our class. Our new teachers name for next year is Ms Baker(in Rm 9), a fact about
her is that she is new to Waikowhai Intermediate and she use to work at Hillsborough Primary.
We were scared to introduce ourselves but I introduced myself because I knew that we are
gonna be with each other for 1 or 2 years. When we came back to the hall we had to walk
back to school.

Blog You Later, Bai!

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