
Monday 5 November 2018


Hai Blogging Unicorns,

Today in class we had to perform a play script in front of the whole class! The reason why we are doing this is because it was kind of like a practice for another play script (actually we were doing it for stage directions but for the play script) it was part of a book called "There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom". You may of heard of this book we are not doing the whole book were only doing Chapter 14. Chapter 14 is a part when 3 girls and 1 boy get into a fight (GIRLS WON, GIRL POWER!  >:3). Anyways we  did the play script on "Clever cats" it was kind of difficult when you had to choose the parts and many more. Since we already read TABITG, (There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom) we will be okay when it comes to playing it. In my group there was Inangaro, Fehi, Sariah, Lucas, Marwah, Yazmine, Wally.
Here is our play!

Hope you enjoy! Bai Unicorns!

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