Aloha Bloggers,
Today in Hay Park School on the 9th of August. The extraordinary Parekowhai Class had an class assembly to showcase our learning about our quality blogging. The rest of Hay Park School, teachers and parents were our audience at the assembly. Our theme was blogging because this term our focus is to blog a lot about our learning this term and share our learning.
We started our assembly with the “Wake Up Song.” After all the classes were in the school hall. We started doing the greeting and then we did the National Anthem. After we did the National Anthem we did the “Wake Up Song” (again). Some of us messed up while doing the moves so I give the moves a 8 out of 10, the singing was fabulous it was a 10 out of 10.
Things we shared in our assembly about blogging was about our Holiday blogging that Mandita and Simon presented, the Youtube Recommendation presented by Patrick, Bad habits that Rhia and Gloria presented. The Cook Island presentation showcased by Inangaro (Ina) and last but not least, the saddest one presented by Mose and Zion about plastic ruining our sea and killing creatures.
At the end, all the presenters said all together “Ka Kite Ano.” The assembly didn't go as planned because our teacher was recording on an ipad and the ipad stand collapsed. Also there was a missing person so we had to change bits that we were fine with but the assembly was fun and we enjoyed it.
Do you have assembles that don’t go as planned? Let me know!
Hoped you enjoyed and thank you for reading this blog post, Blog you Later!
I almost forgot here is the video to our assembly
Blog You Later